Database 11g

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Views and Materialized Views in Oracle


Ø  A view is a result of a stored query.
Ø  We can also say it’s a logical representation of a table.
Ø  When you do any modification on base tables automatically it will get effected on views.
Ø  There could be performance issues in views because when you execute views it also run underline query.

Creating a Normal View:-

SQL> Create view view-name as select * from table-name;

 v  Before creating materialized view pls find some of its Features and Advantages of Materialized views.

Materialized VIEWS

Ø  Materialized views are database object which contains results of a query.  Database stored in a separate object.  It will not affect immediate because it depends upon refresh parameters.

Ø  Performance wise it is more robust if we compare with views because when you execute materialize-views it will not execute base query whereas in view it executes base query.

Ø  We can create separate indexes on materialized views.

  Ø  Traditionally, data warehousing and other similar large databases have needed summary tables to     perform their work. Defining these summary tables and constantly maintaining them was a            complex task. Any time you added data to the underlying detail table, you had to manually update all   the summary tables and their indexes.

Ø  When you create a new materialized view, Oracle will automatically create an internal table to 
       hold the data of this materialized view. Thus, a materialized view will take up physical space in 
           your database.

  Refreshing Materialized View Data

Ø  Since a materialized view is defined on underlying master tables, when the data in the master tables changes, the materialized view becomes outdated. To take care of this problem, materialized views are updated, thus keeping them in sync with the master tables. The following sections present the materialized view refresh options.

Refresh Modes:-

You can choose between the ON COMMIT and ON DEMAND modes of data refresh.

ON COMMIT: In this mode, whenever a data change in one of the master tables is committed, the materialized view is refreshed automatically to reflect the change.

ON DEMAND: In this mode, you must execute a procedure like DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH to update the materialized view.

Refresh Types:-

You can choose from the following four refresh types:

Ø   COMPLETE: This refresh option will completely recalculate the query underlying the materialized view. Thus, if the materialized view originally took you 12 hours to build, it’ll take about the same time to rebuild it. Obviously, you wouldn’t want to use this option each time a few rows are modified, dropped, or inserted into your master tables.

Ø  FAST REFRESH: Under the fast refresh mechanism, Oracle will use a materialized view log to log all changes to the master tables. It’ll then use the materialized view log to update the materialized view. The materialized view log is a table based on the associated materialized view. Each of the tables involved in the join in the materialized view needs its own materialized view log to capture changes to the tables.

Ø  FORCE: If you choose this option, Oracle will try to use the fast refresh mechanism. If it isn’t able to use it for some reason, it’ll use the complete refresh method.

Ø  NEVER: This refresh option never refreshes a materialized view. Obviously, this isn’t a viable option for a materialized view whose master tables undergo significant change over time.

Ø   The default refresh type is FORCE.

Query Rewrite

Ø  If users write queries using the underlying table, Oracle will automatically rewrite those queries
 to use the materialized views this query-optimization technique is known as query rewrite.

 Ø  By default query_rewrite_enabled parameter is True.

Ø  In large databases with heavy load- and processing power–consuming activity, such as table 
    joins and the use of aggregates like SUM, materialized views speed up queries.

Ø  Materialized views makes queries faster by recalculating and storing the results of expensive join        and aggregate operations.

Ø  The beauty of Oracle’s materialized view facility is that you can specify during their creation that     the database must automatically update the materialized views whenever there are changes             in the underlying base tables.

Ø    The Oracle CBO will automatically recognize that it should rewrite a user’s query to use the materialized view rather than the underlying tables if the estimated query cost of using the               materialized views is lower. Query cost here refers to the I/O, CPU, and memory costs involved     processing a SQL query. Complex joins involve a lot of I/O and CPU expense, and the use of   materialized views will avoid incurring this cost each time you need to perform such joins. Because the materialized views already have the summary information precomputed in them, your 
queries  will cost much less in terms of resource usage, and hence run much more quickly.

Ø  The QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED initialization parameter allows you to enable or disable query 
writing at a global level. The parameter can take the following values:

       • FALSE: The database doesn’t rewrite any queries.
        • TRUE: The database compares the cost of the query with and without a rewrite and  
           Chooses the cheaper method.
  • FORCE: The database always rewrites the query, without evaluating any costs.
    Use the FORCE setting if you are certain that the query is beneficial and will result in 
    shortening the response time.

 Ø  The default value for this parameter is TRUE, provided you set the OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE parameter to 10.0.0 or higher (it is FALSE if you set the OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE parameter to 9.2.0 or lower), which means that Oracle automatically uses the query rewrite feature. When the parameter is set to TRUE, Oracle will estimate the cost of the query both with and without a rewrite
 and will choose the one with the lesser processing cost. When you enable query
 rewriting, it’s enabled systemwide, for the entire database.

Ø  You must specify the FORCE value for the OPTIMIZER_QUERY_REWRITE parameter only if you are sure that it is beneficial to do so. To enable query rewriting for a specific materialized view, you
         must explicitly specify the ENABLE QUERY REWRITE clause when you create the materialized


Ø  Target database Table should have primary (For refresh Parameters).

SQL> alter table emp add constraint pk_emp primary key (empno,ename);
Table altered.

Ø  Create materialized view log.

    SQL> create materialized view log on fmis.emp; ()

                Materialized view log created.

SQL> create materialized view eyes_mv1
           refresh fast
        Enable query rewrite
           as select * from emp@mmmlink;

Materialized view created.

Querying materialized views

SQL> select * from emp@mmmlink;
SQL> SELECT owner, mview_name, last_refresh_date FROM all_mviews;
OWNER               MVIEW_NAME                                                                   LAST_REFR
--------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SYSMAN             MGMT_ECM_MD_ALL_TBL_COLUMNS                                03-NOV-11
SYS                      EYES_MV                                                                              07-JUN-15
SYS                      EYES_MV1                                                                           07-JUN-15
SYS                      EYES_MV2                                                                           07-JUN-15

SQL> SELECT mview_name, last_refresh_date, fullrefreshtim, increfreshtim FROM dba_mview_analysis;
MVIEW_NAME                                                    LAST_REFR              FULLREFRESHTIM INCREFRESHTIM
----------------------------- --------- -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MGMT_ECM_MD_ALL_TBL_COLUMNS              03-NOV-11                                   1                        0
EYES_MV                                                               07-JUN-15                                   0                        0
EYES_MV1                                                            07-JUN-15                                    0                        0
EYES_MV2                                                            07-JUN-15                                     0                       0

SQL> select MVIEW_NAME, to_char(LAST_REFRESH_DATE,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from       dba_mviews;
MVIEW_NAME                                                                  TO_CHAR(LAST_REFRES
------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MGMT_ECM_MD_ALL_TBL_COLUMNS                              2011-11-03 06:20:15
EYES_MV                                                                           2015-06-07 13:57:48
EYES_MV1                                                                         2015-06-07 15:00:31
EYES_MV2                                                                          2015-06-07 15:19:12

You can go for manual refresh also by executing DMS procedure
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select NAME, to_char(LAST_REFRESH,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from dba_mview_refresh_times;
NAME                                                                              TO_CHAR(LAST_REFRES
------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
EYES_MV                                                                            2015-06-08 11:07:57
EYES_MV1                                                                          2015-06-08 11:07:47
EYES_MV2                                                                          2015-06-08 12:36:27

MGMT_ECM_MD_ALL_TBL_COLUMNS                        2011-11-03 06:20:15

Happy Learning ...

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