Ø First we will discuss about ASM and its Features..
1. What is ASM ?
ASM is a file system provided by oracle
for storing data with high performance I/O and failure proof.
2. Advantages of Using ASM?
Two major reasons for using ASM ie Performance & Protection.
ASM gives performance and redundancy through Striping & Mirroring
ASM stripes all files across every disk which are part of a diskgroup.
ASM have 2 types of striping Coarse & Fine Striping
Coarse Striping :
Uses a stripe size of 1MB. you can use coarse striping for every file in
your database except ctlfile,online redologfiles and falshback files.
Fine Striping :
Uses a stripe size 128Kb, you can use fine striping for ctlfiles, online
redologfiles and flashback files.
Mirroring means data redundancy, This
means if you lose disk,you can use the mirror disk to continue operations.
When a disk in a groups fails ASM
rebuilds the failed disk using mirrored extents from other disks in the group.
When ASM reconstructs a failed disk, the
storage system takes a small performance hit,
because ASM requires some extra I/O to reconstruct
the failed device.
ASM supports 3 types of disk mirroring,
each with a different level of data redundancy.
External Redundancy, Normal Redundancy
and High Redundancy.
External = doesn’t have failure groups
and no mirroring strategy.
Normal = It have 2 way mirroring of
fields in a diskgroup.
High = It have 3 failure groups.
If any disk fails ASM can survive the
disaster and reconstruct the lost disks from the mirror copies.
Background Process in ASM :-
- Oracle ASM instances uses several Oracle Background Process, Such as SMON,PMON and LGWR.
- For managing ASM oracle uses 2 instances.
RBAL = The coordinates disk activity.
ARBn = Performs the re-balancing like moving data extents.
ASMB = Connects to asm instance and links the ASM instance.
Installation of ASM-GRID INFRASTRUCTURE on Linux
Ø Make Partitions using Fdisk
] fdisk /dev/sdb
n = new partation
p = primary partation
1 =
+20g = Partation Size
W = Save & Exit
Ø Run Partprobe to update the OS about Partitions.
] partprobe /dev/sdb
Ø Check Partitions, check the Ownership and Permissions from Unix Team
] fdisk -l
] Chown -R oracle:dba /dev/sdb1 or sdb2
or sdb*
] Chmod -R 775 /dev/sdb*
] xhost +
] Su - oracle
grid] ./runInstaller
Ø Set the Environment Variable
] cat > grid.env
export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH:.
] .grid.env
] export ORACLE_SID=+ASM
] conn / as sysasm
Ø Check ASM status.
> Select Instance_name,status from
] asmcmd
asmcmd> ls
asmcmd ] lsdisk
asmcmd ] ls -ltr
Happy Learning .....
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