Hi, Guy's,
It's very easy to make a script by using the 'CONCATENATE' function in SQL to simplify our DB tasks.
Killing Sessions:
SQL> select 'alter system kill session ''' || sid ||','|| serial# ||',@'|| inst_id ||''''||'immediate;' FROM gv$session WHERE status ='INACTIVE' and username like 'DR%';
alter system kill session '69,60037,@1'immediate;
alter system kill session '137,54957,@1'immediate;
alter system kill session '140,25457,@1'immediate;
alter system kill session '200,63197,@1'immediate;
alter system kill session '266,21920,@1'immediate;
alter system kill session '333,13739,@1'immediate;
alter system kill session '774,50855,@1'immediate;
alter system kill session '903,20285,@1'immediate;
alter system kill session '1158,53245,@1'immediate;
alter system kill session '1226,50285,@1'immediate;
alter system kill session '1352,52379,@1'immediate;
alter system kill session '1418,27389,@1'immediate;
alter system kill session '1483,55652,@1'immediate;
alter system kill session '331,21769,@2'immediate;
alter system kill session '332,63307,@2'immediate;
alter system kill session '451,45973,@2'immediate;
alter system kill session '455,53137,@2'immediate;
alter system kill session '521,53017,@2'immediate;
Index Rebuild:
SQL> select DISTINCT 'alter index '||index_name||' rebuild ONLINE;' from user_ind_columns where table_name='OTOCURNC';
alter index ACTIVE_MED rebuild ONLINE;
alter index IDX_OCU_MCC rebuild ONLINE;
alter index PK_OCURNC_PK rebuild ONLINE;
alter index IDX_OCU1_MCC rebuild ONLINE;
alter index IND_CRDFLR rebuild ONLINE;
alter index INX_AWRABOCU rebuild ONLINE;
alter index OTOCURNC_MED rebuild ONLINE;
alter index INDX_APPNMBR rebuild ONLINE;
8 rows selected.
Index Rebuild for a Schema :
SQL> set head off
set pagesize
set linesize
select 'alter
index '||index_name||' rebuild online;' from user_indexes where table_owner='KMIS';
alter index SYS_IL0000103129C00027$$ rebuild online;
alter index MRMSCANNERBUTTONS_PK rebuild online;
alter index PK_PROVCD rebuild online;
alter index PK_SKQUALIF rebuild online;
alter index PK_SKRACCOD rebuild online;
alter index PK_SKREFRAL rebuild online;
alter index PK_SKRELIGN rebuild online;
alter index PK_SKRLTCOD rebuild online;
alter index PK_SKSERCOD rebuild online;
alter index PK_SKSEXCOD rebuild online;
Index Move in New Tablespace :
SQL> set head off
set pagesize 20000
set linesize 20000
select 'alter index '||index_name||' rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;' from
user_indexes where table_owner='HMIS';
alter index SYS_IL0000103129C00027$$ rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;
alter index OBSKEY rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;
alter index RTINSREQ_IDX rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;
alter index PK_EXTSUP rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;
alter index PK_EXTANT rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;
alter index K_CLNCSSUP rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;
alter index CLN_K rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;
alter index RTAPROVL_PK rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;
alter index SSSS rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;
alter index PK_PAYTRN rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;
alter index PK_DOCSTS rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;
alter index PK_UN rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;
alter index RNRNLSCD_C_X rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;
alter index RMROMTYP_X rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;
alter index PK_ROMSPC rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;
alter index JTN rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;
alter index HFGHYHJ rebuild online tablespace new_tablespace;
Happy Learning.